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YieldYak Audit – Platypus


CoinFabrik was asked to audit the contracts for the YieldYak project. First we will provide a summary of our discoveries and then we will show the details of our findings.



The contracts audited are from the git repository. The audit is based on the commit

The audited files are:

● contracts/strategies/PlatypusVoterProxy.sol: Contract used by the strategies to interact with the platypus system as a single entity. It only
allows registered strategies to interact with the Platypus system.
contracts/strategies/PlatypusVoter.sol: Helper contract used to
interact with the Platypus system. The PlatypusVoterProxy uses it for some interactions.
● contracts/strategies/PlatypusStrategy.sol: Investment strategy that uses the platypus system.
contracts/strategies/PlatypusMasterChefStrategy.sol: Abstract base contract used to make investment strategies that use the Platypus system. At the time of the audit, PlatypusStrategy is its only subcontract.
● contracts/lib/DSMath.sol: Library that provides utilities for some
arithmetic operations.
● contracts/lib/ERC20.sol: ERC20 token with permit implementation.
● contracts/interfaces/IPlatypusVoterProxy.sol: Interface definition for the PlatypusVoterProxy contract.
● contracts/interfaces/IPlatypusVoter.sol: Interface definition for the PlatypusVoter contract.
contracts/interfaces/IVePTP.sol: Interface definitions for the contract defined at address 0x5857019c749147EEE22b1Fe63500F237F3c1B692 in the
avalanche c-chain. It represents the vePTP token.
● contracts/interfaces/IPlatypusPool.sol: Platypus pool interface.
Contract documented in

● contracts/interfaces/IMasterPlatypus.sol: Interface definitions for the contract defined at address
0xB0523f9F473812FB195Ee49BC7d2ab9873a98044 in the avalanche c-chain.
● contracts/interfaces/IPlatypusAsset.sol: Platypus asset interface. Contract documented in
● contracts/interfaces/IWAVAX.sol: Interface defined to interact with the WAVAX contract.
● contracts/interfaces/IPair.sol: Interface defined to interact with
decentralized exchange contracts.

The scope of the audit is limited to those files. No other files in this repository were audited. Its dependencies are assumed to work according to their documentation.
These files were taken from the OpenZeppelin contracts library (version 3.4.2) and then only changed pragmas, import paths and other minor and not relevant changes were made:

● contracts/lib/Ownable.sol
● contracts/lib/Context.sol
● contracts/lib/EnumerableSet.sol
● contracts/lib/SafeERC20.sol
● contracts/lib/Address.sol
● contracts/lib/IERC20.sol

The following files were audited in other audits:

● contracts/lib/DexLibrary.sol
● contracts/lib/YakStrategy.sol
● contracts/lib/SafeMath.sol

Also, no tests were reviewed for this audit.

Fixes and improvements were checked in commit
cf8fd8a3088ea877ca6b23f54473a101703011ad. In this commit also
PlatypusMasterChefStrategy.sol was merged into PlatypusStrategy.sol and the PlatypusStrategy contract was made to inherit from YakStrategyV2 instead of YakStrategy, which was reviewed in a different audit.


Without being limited to them, the audit process included the following analyses:

● Arithmetic errors
● Outdated version of Solidity compiler
● Race conditions
● Reentrancy attacks
● Misuse of block timestamps
● Denial of service attacks
● Excessive gas usage
● Missing or misused function qualifiers
● Needlessly complex code and contract interactions
● Poor or nonexistent error handling
● Insufficient validation of the input parameters
● Incorrect handling of cryptographic signatures
● Centralization and upgradeability

Summary of Findings

We found 1 critical issue, 2 medium issues and several minor issues. Also, several enhancements were proposed. We checked fixes in commit cf8fd8a3088ea877ca6b23f54473a101703011ad. All critical and medium issues were resolved. The minor issues were either resolved or
acknowledged. One of the proposed enhancements was implemented.

Security Issues

Privileged Roles

These are the privileged roles that we identified on each of the audited contracts.


Approved Address

An address may allow a different address to transfer funds away from its
belongings by either using the approve() function or signing off-line an approval to be passed to the permit() function. This is specified in ERC-20.


Besides all the roles documented below, it also has the privileged roles
documented for the ERC20 contract.


The owner can change the address of the voter proxy.
By default, the owner is the address that deployed the contract.


The dev can:

● Enable or disable deposits.
● Claim vePTPs.
The dev is passed in the constructor and cannot be changed.

Voter Proxy

The voter proxy can:

● Claim vePTPs.
● Use the contract balance to do deposits
● Transform AVAX in WAVAX.
● Invoke any function on any contract with any parameters on behalf of the

1 The dev cannot claim vePTPs anymore in commit cf8fd8a3088ea877ca6b23f54473a101703011ad.



The dev can:

● Add approved strategies (but cannot remove them)
● Set booster and staker fees.
● Set fee receivers for booster and staker fees.

The dev is passed in the constructor and cannot be changed.


A strategy can:
● Do deposits
● Withdraw funds
● Do emergency withdraws
● Claim rewards
There are no registered strategies by default.


It has all the roles defined for the YakStrategy contract. No new roles were added. Given that PlatypusMasterChefStrategy is an abstract contract, strategies inherited from it may have other roles.


Besides all the abilities defined in the parent contracts, the owner can rescue deployed funds. The setAllowances() method has been deprecated and if invoked will revert with an error message even if invoked by the owner.


Besides all the abilities defined in the parent contracts, the dev can set the
extra-reward swap-pair.


Besides all the abilities defined in the parent contracts, an EOA can do a


It has all the roles defined for the PlatypusMasterChefStrategy contract. No new roles were added.


Besides all the abilities defined in the parent contracts, the owner can set the Platypus voter proxy.


Besides all the abilities defined in the parent contracts, the dev can update the maximum withdraw slippage parameter.

Security Issues Found

Severity Classification

Security risks are classified as follows:
● Critical: These are issues that we manage to exploit. They compromise the system seriously. They must be fixed immediately.
● Medium: These are potentially exploitable issues. Even though we did not
manage to exploit them or their impact is not clear, they might represent a
security risk in the near future. We suggest fixing them as soon as possible.
● Minor: These issues represent problems that are relatively small or difficult to take advantage of but can be exploited in combination with other issues. These kinds of issues do not block deployments in production environments. They should be taken into account and be fixed when possible.

Issues Status

An issue detected by this audit can have four distinct statuses:
● Unresolved: The issue has not been resolved.
● Acknowledged: The issue remains in the code but is a result of an intentional decision.
● Resolved: Adjusted program implementation to eliminate the risk.
● Mitigated: Implemented actions to minimize the impact or likelihood of the risk.

Critical Severity Issues

CR-01 Race Condition for Rewards


● contracts/strategies/PlatypusVoterProxy.sol:230

Strategies that invoke PlatypusVoterProxy.claimReward() using the same Platypus PID will take all the rewards associated with that PID, including the ones that should be awarded to another strategy.


When the dev approves a strategy by calling PlatypusVoterProxy.aprove(), it should pass its PID and then the PID should be checked on each call the strategy makes to see that the correct one was used. It is also important not to have 2 different strategies with the same platypus PID, which should be controlled when PlatypusVoterProxy.aprove() is executed.


Resolved. In commit cf8fd8a3088ea877ca6b23f54473a101703011ad, the
PlatypusVoterProxy.onlyStrategy() modifier receives the PID and checks if it matches the strategy.

Medium Severity Issues

ME-01 Rogue Strategy May Steal Funds of Different Strategy


● contracts/strategies/PlatypusVoterProxy.sol:166,203

Nothing in the PlatypusVoterProxy code stops a rogue strategy, which was previously approved by the dev, from invoking either
PlatypusVoterProxy.withdraw() or
PlatypusVoterProxy.emergencyWithdraw() with parameters corresponding to another strategy and stealing its funds.
The severity of this issue was lowered because the dev2 is required to approve the rogue strategy in order to be able to do this attack.

2 See PlatypusVoterProxy roles in the privileged roles section.


When the dev approves a strategy by calling PlatypusVoterProxy.aprove(), it should pass its PID and then the PID should be checked on each call the strategy makes to see that the correct one was used. It is also important not to have 2 different strategies with the same platypus PID, which should be controlled when PlatypusVoterProxy.aprove() is executed.


Resolved. In commit cf8fd8a3088ea877ca6b23f54473a101703011ad, the PlatypusVoterProxy.onlyStrategy() modifier receives the PID and checks if it matches the strategy.

ME-02 Unguarded Overflows and Underflows


● contracts/strategies/PlatypusStrategy.sol:141,146,157,159
● contracts/lib/DSMath.sol:26,31,54-61,67
● contracts/strategies/PlatypusVoterProxy.sol:275

In several different places there are arithmetic operations that may overflow or underflow. The codebase is in solidity 0.7.3 so the standard operations wrap around when overflowing or underflowing, instead of raising an error.


Use the contracts/lib/SafeMath.sol library for all the arithmetic operations or, even better, upgrade the code to solidity ≥ 0.8 and use the default arithmetic operators, which check for overflows and underflows by default.


Resolved. In commit cf8fd8a3088ea877ca6b23f54473a101703011ad, all the arithmetic operations mentioned are using the SafeMath library.

Minor Severity Issues

MI-01 Solidity Compiler Version

Most of the audited files use the pragma solidity 0.7.3; statement. This implies that an old solidity version is being used and also adds risks because bugs may be introduced by using a different solidity compiler. A few other files use a non-pinned version, such as pragma solidity >=0.6.0 <0.8.0; which also adds risks.

See .


It is better to lock to a specific compiler version (for example, pragma solidity 0.8.11😉 and keep it up to date. Also, when updating to 0.8 take into account the new semantics for safe math operations.


Acknowledged. The development team informed us that they will upgrade the solidity version in a separate scope.

MI-02 Extra-Reward Swap-Pair Not Properly Checked


● contracts/strategies/PlatypusMasterChefStrategy.sol:103-107
If the _extraTokenSwapPair.token0() is not the reward token, then it is assumed that _extraTokenSwapPair.token1() is the reward token. This may lead the strategy to use a wrong swap pair, and instead of getting reward tokens the strategy will get a different ERC20 token.
Hereunder are the lines 103-107 where the issue is located:


Check if _extraTokenSwapPair.token1() is the reward token in the else
statement on line 106 and revert if necessary.


Resolved. The recommendation was implemented for commit
cf8fd8a3088ea877ca6b23f54473a101703011ad .

MI-03 No Symbol Set

● contracts/strategies/PlatypusStrategy.sol
● contracts/strategies/PlatypusMasterChefStrategy.sol

Neither PlatypusStrategy nor its parent, PlatypusMasterChefStrategy, set the symbol for the contract, so the symbol defined in the YakERC20 contract (“YRC”) is used, which may lead to confusion. Given that strategies are ERC20 tokens, a distinguishing symbol must be chosen in order to be properly labeled by several
tools, such as MetaMask.


Pass the symbol as a parameter in the constructors.


Acknowledged. The development team informed us that because the YRT tokens are not meant to be added to Metamask, transferred or traded and they are purely a receipt and helper for the frontend, they don’t think resolving this issue is necessary.


These items do not represent a security risk. They are best practices that we
suggest implementing.



EN-01 Gas Usage Optimization

● contracts/strategies/PlatypusVoterProxy.sol:20

If the SafeProxy.safeExecute() function fails to run the
platypusVoter.execute() function all the available gas will be consumed. This is the offending line:


Use revert or require instead of assert to avoid consuming all the remaining
available gas.


Implemented. In commit cf8fd8a3088ea877ca6b23f54473a101703011ad, assert() was replaced with revert().

EN-02 Strategy Repudiation

● contracts/strategies/PlatypusVoterProxy.sol

The PlatypusVoterProxy dev should have the ability to repudiate an approved strategy, disallowing the strategy to further interact with it. This functionality may be used to stop a rogue strategy.


Not implemented. The development team informed us that strategy repudiation can be accomplished by migrating the VoterProxy if it is required.

Other Considerations

The considerations stated in this section are not right or wrong. We do not suggest any action to fix them. But we consider that they may be of interest for other stakeholders of the project, including users of the audited contracts, owners or project investors.


PlatypusStrategy is an ownable contract where the owner has significant powers over the contract, so it must be trusted. PlatypusMasterChefStrategy is ownable as well, but given that it is an abstract contract it will never be instantiated as is.
The PlatypusVoter has an owner, but also a developer with significant
The PlatypusVoterProxy has an owner responsible to approve strategies to use the PlatypusVoter.
The development team informed us that they are using a community multisig to help mitigate centralization risks.


A PlatypusVoter owner can change the PlatypusVoterProxy to a different contract in order to upgrade the logic, but keeping the PlatypusVoter state and assets. The owner of a PlatypusStrategy may change the voter proxy used by the strategy to point to the new PlatypusVoterProxy. The rest of the contracts do not have provisions to be upgraded.

Contract Instantiation

In order to do the security analysis, we assumed that when deploying a
PlatypusStrategy the _voterProxy constructor parameter receives an address of a PlatypusVoterProxy contract. We also assumed that when deploying a PlatypusVoterProxy the _platypusVoter constructor parameter receives an address of a PlatypusVoter contract.

Extra Fees

As a user of the PlatypusStrategy, fees taken by the PlatypusVoterProxy, staker fees and booster fees, need to be paid. This is in addition to all the fees that need to be paid as a normal operation for any YakStrategy, such as dev fees or reinvest fees.


The development team informed us that they have private tests covering the audited contracts outside the git repository.


● 2022-02-18 – Initial report based on commit
● 2022-02-21 – Fixes checked on commit

Disclaimer: This audit report is not a security warranty, investment advice, or an approval of the YieldYak project since CoinFabrik has not reviewed its platform. Moreover, it does not provide a smart contract code faultlessness guarantee.